Monthly Schedule
Pre-Beginner Salsa Classes: Every Week
Mondays, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Pre-Beginner salsa classes do not follow a cycle schedule. They are classes with a focus on building students’ foundations so that they can begin learning material comfortably within the cycled classes. The material taught is the same in each class.
Cycled Salsa Classes: Next Cycle Begins
Week of January 15, 2024
Our salsa leveled classes take place over 6 week cycles. During those 6 weeks, each week’s salsa class teaches progressive material (both footwork and partnerwork) that builds upon what was taught in the prior class. This allows students to develop their skills in a controlled, structured environment that promotes mastery and maximizes growth.
Beginner Level 1 Pre-requisites: 4+ Pre-Beginner salsa classes; Timing and Musicality Workshop
Time Until the Next Salsa Cycle Begins
Ready to Dance?
Learn to dance with confidence and enjoy the health and social benefits of dancing.
83 Franklin St Jersey City NJ 07307